Admission information & School fees

The German School in Hurghada is an international school of encounter.

Native German speaking children as well as children of all other nationalities are welcome at our school. For kindergarten and the first year of preschool, German language skills are not required; for subsequent grades, admission for non-native German speaking children is decided on an individual basis.

The DSH school year always begins on September 1, and ends on August 31, of the respective school year.


Enrolment at DSH for the school year 2024/2025: Important deadlines
Parents who wish to register their children for the school year 2024/2025 at the German School Hurghada must submit the registration documents by email to the school secretariat by June, 3 2024.

We will then invite the children to the admission test on June, 10 and 11. Detailed times and schedules will be announced. The children will stay in the Culture Centre (CC) on the school premises during the specified time and will be picked up for their tests. The results of the tests will be discussed individually afterwards. Participation in the admission test is mandatory for admission to the DSH.

How to register your child?

Step 1: Application
  • To register your child/children at the school (primary or secondary), send us an email to with the name, date of birth and nationality (passport) of the child and information about which grade and school type the child should go to, as well as copies of the report cards of the last two school years.
  • School children can only be admitted at half term or after the summer vacations. In kindergarten and preschool, children can also be enrolled during the year.
  • To register your child/children for kindergarten or preschool send an email with the information (name, date of birth) for your child. We will then shedule a personal meeting with you, your child and the respective school management. After that meeting you will get feedback from the school whether to send the documents for the registration (see “Step 4”).
Step 2: Admission Test
  • You will receive a message from us whether your child will be invited to the admission test at DSH. The test takes place on site at the school. The children are tested in the subjects Math, German, English and Arabic. The cost of the test is 500 EGP, payable in cash on the day of the test.
Step 3: Admission interview
  • After the admission test you will discuss the possibilities for your child personally with the school management.
Step 4: Registration after successful admission test
  • If the admission test and the admission interview was positive, you can register your child/children.
  • Important documents for the registration:
    • Printed and fully completed application form (Download application form here)
    • 6 passport photos
    • Original birth certificate (remains at the school)
    • Copy of the child’s passport
    • Copy of the passports of both legal guardians (in case of dual citizenship, please use the passport that refers to the child’s nationality)
    • Copy of the vaccination book (only for kindergarten and preschool children)
    • Medical certificate (only for kindergarten)

Fees and Regulations for Payment for Term 2024/25

New registrations as of school year 2024/25

  • Nursery: 40.500 EGP
  • Preschool (KG1): 60.750 EGP
  • Preschool (KG2): 81.000 EGP
  • Primary school (cl. 1-4): 87.750 EGP
  • Secondary I (cl. 5-9): 94.500 EGP
  • Secondary I (cl. 10): 102.600 EGP
  • Secondary II (cl. 11-12): 134.400 EGP

In addition to the all-day tuition, the amount includes:

  • Breakfast and lunch incl. drinks
  • Accident insurance (Allianz)
  • First aid care