Welcome to Deutsche Schule Hurghada
The German School Hurghada is an international school of encounter with the levels Kindergarten (age group 2-4 years), Preschool (age group 5-6 years), Primary School (grades 1-4), Secondary School (grades 5-10) as well as the GIB (Gemischsprachiges Internationales Baccalaureat) (grades 11 and 12). Teaching is analogous to the Thuringian curriculum, and the Egyptian-national curriculum runs in parallel.
The following degrees are offered: DSD I (German Language Diploma) in grade 9, Secondary I diploma in grade 10, and the GIB in grade 12. Egyptian-national diplomas are awarded according to the Egyptian Ministry of Education. Lessons take place according to the all-day concept from 8:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Our school year begins on September 1, and ends on August 31, of the respective school year.
Egyptian national examinations are held in all grades. Currently, approximately 230 children from 21 different nationalities attend DSH.
DSH was founded in 2006 by the school’s sponsor Red Sea Hotels. Since 2008, DS Hurghada has been a PASCH school, and DSH received recognition as a German school abroad in December 2014.
Mission Statement

Guideline 1
The German School Hurghada is a school of encounter attended by students from different nationalities, religions and cultures in an environment of collaboration and acceptance.

Guideline 2
The German School Hurghada is a place where students are taught binding values of respectful acceptance, intellectual openness and tolerance for all.

Guideline 3
The German School Hurghada encourages independence, personal responsibility and continuous development, so that the children grow into strong and socially responsible people.

Guideline 4
The German School Hurghada strives for a high quality of educational offerings.