Registrations for the 2024/2025 school year

Important dates for the registration of new students

Parents who wish to register their children for the school year 2024/2025 at the German School Hurghada must submit the registration documents by email to the school secretariat by June 3, 2024. To do this, please send the last two school report cards and a copy of the child’s passport to

We will then invite the children to the admission test on June, 10 and 11. On the first day, the written exams will take place from 9:00 a.m. The subjects tested are Maths, German and English. On day two, the oral test will take place from 8.30 a.m. There will also be an exam for the subject Arabic (Egyptian students: written and oral exam; other nationalities: oral placement test).

Detailed times and schedules will be announced.

The children will stay in the Culture Centre (CC) on the DSH premises during the specified time and will be picked up for their exams. The results of the exams will be discussed individually afterwards. Participation in the admission test is mandatory for admission to the DSH.