Projectweek “No Plastic”

Since the beginning of the school year we focussed on the reduction and avoidance of plastic waste. Therefore our school year was ending with an environmental week, which was based on these topics as well. In cooperation with Hepca, all student went to an island clean up, to collect rubbish as well as to get an idea how this situation of waste in the Red Sea is lookin like. Also organized by Hepca was a trip to the waste sorting plant, in which mainly the rubbish of the hotels is collected. The team of the Ministry of Environment was also

Carnival at the DSH

Celebration carnival has a long tradition at our school: from Nursery and Pre School up to Primary School all students had a great time on the day, either in school, but also in the afternoon in the Cultural Center CC Red Sea next door, where our parents`representatives organized a fantastic party for our kids. The funny day ended by our carnival parade in front of our school. Thanks to our parents for the organization!

Open Day 2019

Every year the DSH is inviting the school community to join us on our open day. The theme of this was “Language – more than words”. During the week before, all students worked on different projects, which were proudly presented on the open day: films, small plays, recipe books as well as great decorations in all class rooms. The visitors had the chance to see all projects and to get an impression of our creative and successful work at our school –  and of course enjoy having home made cakes on the buffet organized by our parents representatives. Thanks to

Trip to Berlin 2018 – a report by Sherif and Bradley

  Berlin Trip On the evening of the 10th of December 2018, classes ten, eleven and twelve flew with Germania airlines from Hurghada, Egypt to Berlin, the capital of Germany. It was a highly anticipated trip that has been in plan by the school, teachers, and students for several months. In this report we want to share some of the highlights of our trip. We arrived in Berlin at midnight, all of the girls were really tired from travelling, but the boys were not willing to go to bed and so they went to eat at Durum restaurant. The people

Christmas Bazaar 2018

Like the years before the Christmas Bazaar was organized by our parents representatives. A lot of boots with hand craft Christmas items from parents and students were attracting many visitors. Also the culinary corner with Christmas punch, grilled sausages, cakes and lots more was a special highlight on this day.

Soccer Camp with the Dynamic Soccer School

Excitement for football as well as the mediation of values, team spirit and respect were the aims of the work shop which took place during our autumn vacation. It was lead by Martin Rietsch, alias Rapper 2 schneidig, and his team, who had already been in our school for several times for doing several project related to prevention of addictions and violence and living values.

No Plastic!

  No Plastic – this is the theme of the DSH. Together with HEPCA, an environmental organization in the Red Sea, the cultural centre CC Red Sea is organizing seminars for our students to make them aware of the pollution of the oceans by plastic garbage as well as of the importance to reduce plastic waste generally. Also other schools are invited, like St. Joseph school, French School and the Sunrise school.